I’ve finally started in on our garden for the year last weekend! A little later than I wanted but I’ll make it work. So I wanted to document the beginnings here and of course if you have any tips or tricks I’m open to listening!
Last year when I knew I wanted to try out gardening I did a lot of research on where to buy seeds, I ended up choosing High Mowing and so that is what I went with again this year. Not everything was successful my first time around but it was oh SO rewarding! This year I decided to try some of the same and some new seeds. My haul included basil, green beans, cucumber, tomato, onion, squash, zucchini, 2 varieties of potatoes, peppers, lettuce, spinach, and 4 various flowers.
My thought is in order to learn it I’ve got to keep trying it! Even though I sometimes only had one plant grow out of the several that I planted I’m going to keep trying until hopefully I get it right. And I just have FUN! Just seeing anything happen from a tiny little seed I planted and looked after was the best. I love getting outside to my garden and flowers and taking care of them each day and reaping some of the benefits. My flowers especially last year were a FAVORITE!
I also purchased some different succulents and am giving that a go. I planted one pot with a little succulent garden last summer and I’ve been keeping it alive all winter. So I decided to try more! This little tin with the lights might be my new favorite!
So far I’ve got some seeds started in some cardboard boxes I cur down to later be transplanted, other seeds will be directly sown in the garden around May/June.
I’ve also got a few succulents that I am trying to propagate, hoping they multiply and I can have even more! These little guys would make great gifts!
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