On Sunday night when I sat down to blog I instead felt the need to just give myself a pass and take the night off to watch some Netflix, it was freeing. Giving myself grace and not feeling obligated was just what I needed!

Last weekend we got out for some ice cream, stopped at a couple farmer’s markets, and grabbed lunch at one of our favorite spots. It was so nice to do things as a family with the nice weather!

My parents brought me an early birthday gift when my family came over for our Father’s Day baseball game. Over 5 years ago I read this blog post and instantly decided I wanted my own giant chicken someday, I ALMOST got myself one last year but refrained 😉 My Dad said finally when he saw this rooster he knew he finally just had to get it for me and I couldn’t be a happier new owner of a giant metal rooster!!! Ron got me this smaller version a couple years ago and we call her Beyonce. Still taking input on what to name this guy lol…for now he acts as my garden gnome 😉

Favorites seen on Instagram recently 🙂

This month for Thankful Thursdays the topic is Fatherhood. I am incredibly grateful for the men in my life!

I am so very thankful for my own Dad. He is incredibly funny, has a huge heart, and has always worked hard to support our family. He always came to my rescue when a car has left me stranded, including even on my wedding day 😉 I have truly enjoyed watching the relationship grow between my Dad & husband, they get along so well! But even more than that I have loved watching my Dad become a Grandpa!!!

I appreciate my FIL for helping to raise the man I married. He instilled great values, respect, and manners in my husband which I appreciate daily. He is always so very encouraging of all of us kids too!

Seeing Ron become a Dad in the last few months has been very rewarding. He was literally thrown in to the role as I was taken to surgery after delivering Ronald, he fed the first bottle, gave the first bath, and was there in those first hours when I couldn’t be. Ron has taken on equal responsibility with caring for our son and just with things around the house too. He gets Ronald around in the morning and drops him off at daycare too. He has taken many of the difficult nights when Ronald just didn’t want to sleep, even sleeping on the floor of the nursery in a makeshift bed so that I could get a little rest. I’ve seen his heart grow bigger & softer since Ronald has joined our family, I could not be more grateful to call him my husband and father of our son <3

That chicken his hysterical AND I love the Father Gratitude- have a great weekend Rechelle!
Hehe, thanks Holly!
Haha! that chicken! my mama would love it!
I literally just read that blog post to my family! Whenever I see metal chickens I always say there’s a metal chicken named Beyonce, so I had to share with them the reason I say that! I can’t believe you got one!
Hehe yes!!!
That chicken though!!! Wowzers!!! I love it! Beautiful post dedicated to all the men in your life!!! Ron is such terrific daddy to Ronald!!
Lol, thanks Shannon!
It’s so great to see our guys become dads! Sweet post. Thanks for linking up with Holly and me.