Project 52, week 50

This is our 2018 Christmas card, definitely a FAVE!

Last weekend we had our FAVORITE photographer, Lynzee, took our maternity pictures. Of course I’m obsessed and trying to pick which ones to get printed ASAP!

How far along: 33 weeks, Due January 29th

Size of baby: Cauliflower
Gender: BOY
Weight Gain: —
Maternity Clothes: I did order a pair of lounge pants from Amazon & they are like butter, so smooth & so so so comfy! Otherwise just wearing my jeans & regular tops, usually with a dress once a week too.
Nursery: Our mattress arrived, so we’ve got the crib complete with bedding & it is looking cute!
Movement: Baby M is still keeping his habit of pushing out on my right side.
Symptoms: Just general soreness, my hips & back are aching more but I’m thankful for a hubby that gives me massages to ease the pain.
Cravings: nothing notable
What I miss: with the holidays now I do feel like I miss not being able to have a glass of wine or festive cocktail, before I hadn’t really been missing be able to drink
Best moment this week: Hank & Hal have been quite cute & cuddly, well Hal always is, but snuggling up to my bump is extra cute!
Looking forward to: Our maternity pictures next weekend!

How far along: 34 weeks
Size of baby: Cantaloupe or Butternut Squash
Gender: Boy
Weight Gain: 16.2lbs total
Maternity Clothes: Haven’t bought any more, just making it work with what I’ve got!
Nursery: Slowed on progress as we prepare for the holidays but we’ll be off work Christmas through New Year’s so we’ve got plans to tackle things!
Movement: I’m feeling more kicks headed towards my left side so I think Baby M is starting to get snug, since I usually only felt him on my right.
Symptoms: Started noticing some slight blurriness in my vision, mostly when driving in the dark, so I’ve been wearing my glasses more.
Cravings: Water, can’t seem to get enough of it recently!
What I miss: Being able to bend over without groaning lol
Best moment this week: We had our maternity pictures taken!
Looking forward to: Christmas!
And a bonus 34 week picture because I felt cute in in my outfit & both dogs joined in on the photo which made for a fun animation:) Happy Friday!!!
Rechelle- the pics are truly beautiful- you look amazing- so healthy and happy! I LOVE the last “live” picture and seeing your little dog in action- so cute!! Merry Merry Christmas! Just think, next year at this time, you will have a little friend with you! XO
Thank you Holly!!! And yes, we can’t wait for the little guy to join us 🙂
Merry few days before Christmas Rechelle. EVERY photo is wonderful- I can feel the love jumping off the screen. Wondering if the dogs can smell the baby’s pheromones and that’s why they’re so extra cuddly. Enjoy your Christmas holidays. I love your blog.
Thank you Laurie! I think maybe the beags are starting to catch on to baby or at least know something might be up. I’m so glad you found me on this little blog this year! Wishing you & yours the happiest holidays 🙂
I think you can find a good photographer but you also need a photogenic subject, you are surely are one! Beautiful!
Awe, thanks so much Dara!!! 🙂