Another week of my favorites with Andrea & Erika!
Last weekend Ro & I took a trip to the library mostly just to get out a bit and he insisted on wearing his new bunny ears! I prefer to make a list & request books online for him, then just pick them up once all are ready & pulled for me. It makes it easier than having to look at books while there & also keep an eye on him 😉 So we browsed & read books & I asked if he wanted to take any home but he said we already had books at home lol.
On Tuesday evenings Ron plays video games online with a few friends, it is his off night from having any responsibilities or toddler duty (my night is Wednesdays), but right now Ro is pretty interested and thinks that he too needs to play games with Daddy.
This week was FULL of appointments! Ro had a dentist appointment in which upon arriving I opened the back door to find that he had made a mess with an orange bath crayon. I had an appointment with my midwives plus an ultrasound, so we got to see baby brother! I also had my weekly chiropractor & PFPT appointments.
We made brownie batter as a treat one night, yum! Then the next night we baked the brownies to eat them warm with a scoop of ice cream, double yum!
We’re on pretty good track of remembering to grab a bump picture every other week lol. Ro always has to go outside with us and usually we try to keep him wrangled on the patio with questions like where is mama’s belly or where is baby brother, which also makes for some good pictures 😉
And Ro’s love for his baby hedgie is just my absolute favorite!
I love seeing Ro getting in on the video game action- so cute! That picture of him touching your belly is a framer for sure- so beautiful! You look amazing my friend- have a great weekend! XO
Thanks so much!!
Those last two pictures have great light! Ro is so funny, of course you already have books at home!
That is in our kitchen/dining area, we have so many windows in that space, it really is great!!
Yummy! I love warm brownies in ice cream!! Now all I want to do is make brownies!! Going to the library is so much fun! Aww your photos of Ro touching your tummy with his baby brother is so sweet!!! Have a wonderful day!
Thank you Abby! Hope you get to enjoy brownies soon 😉
Happy Friday! How fortunate you are to GO INSIDE your library. At my library, I can request books online and then pick them up (specific days), or e-check them out. Haven’t been inside since last March. Sigh. Ro is getting to be so big! Hope you all enjoy your weekend!
Yes, our library just opened its doors back up. We arrived at opening & were the only ones there for about an hour, so thankful to have that time!