Cheers to a long holiday weekend, it sure doesn’t feel like Memorial Weekend & it certainly won’t be the same as years past but we’re making the most of it here. Linking up to share my favorites from the last couple weeks!

We got a swing put up in our yard for Ro and he just LOVES it! We’re working on making some fun play spaces outside for him.

Last week Ro started taking his first independent steps. It has to be on his terms to decide to walk on his own but he can do it pretty well so I’m sure once he practices some more & builds confidence he’ll be running π
Last weekend he was obsessed with watching Dad mow the lawn, he lead me all over the yard trying to catch the mower. He enjoyed finally getting a quick little ride!

One morning Ro was climbing all over me and we were both in stitches, his giggles are just so contagious!

Following several accounts on Instagram I’ve gotten ideas for some fun activities that also allow Ro to work on various skills. It’s all been inexpensive & pretty easy to put together. Using some masking tape, I taped a couple tubes on the wall for him to drop pom poms & small craft pieces through in to the bin.

I added water beads to his water table along with some water animals. Ro isn’t huge on putting things in his mouth but I still definitely keep a very close eye on him with the water beads just in case.

Using some golf tees we worked on fine motor skills of putting the tees in a box. I pushed the tees through first to make the holes, then he takes them out & puts them back in.

I just ordered these bras from Target and they both seem super comfy so far! Having now breastfed for 15 months I just have no interest in going back to wearing a regular bra lol, these seem like a good transition. Scoop here, V shape here.

And a couple recent ones of McGruff & Hank – I promise Hal is around & doing well, he tends to be a little more timid and finds comfort staying inside or away from the crazy toddler so I don’t always snap pictures of him π

Oh sweet boy- loves his smile and I can just hear his giggles and his first steps- yeah!!! Love the pics with you on the floor-have a wonderful weekend Rechelle XO
Thanks Holly, same to you! π
I absolutely love the giggles & the steps! First steps are so exciting… I remember Ella was right about his age when she started walking too. I was so sick of everyone telling me how late she was. They do it when they are ready π And now she runs away from me regularly. LOL!
I really want to get Ella a water table but I feel like a lot of her toys entertain her for like 2 seconds and she is over it… How long does Ro sit and play at the table for?
Yes, annoying how pushy people can be with getting babies to crawl & walk so early! We know he’ll eventually walk on his own & then never stop lol, so we cherished the extra time he was not quite so mobile π
Ro really enjoys his water table! I’ve found that adding extra fun to it helps hold his attention longer, so like the water beads (which I just found jumbo size ones I want to order so I don’t have to be as worried about him putting them in his mouth), but we add different toys, or soap – anything to switch it up! He’ll play for about 15 minutes then we’ll walk around the yard doing something else & he’ll come back for another 10-15 minutes – we pretty much repeat that all afternoon haha!
MacGruff is looking more Scottie like! Great activities for Ro. Gabbie didn’t walk till 17 months. Wow he looks like he loves his swing!
Thanks! Crazy to think Gabbie walked late too & now she is a lovely dancer, goes to show it doesn’t stop kids! π
Happy holiday weekend! Love your pics – the dexterity/motor skills games, the riding the mower with dad (and how cute are his ear protectors!). Sending love to all of you.
Those smiles and giggles on the floor are the best! Have a great weekend!