Oh what a week! We were off a little bit of a rough start but we recovered & made the best of it.
A couple weeks ago Ro had pictures at daycare, we got the proofs back this week and I was ROLLING with laughter! PRICELESS!!! On picture day when I picked him up they had said he was stunned by the lights for the indoor pictures & if I wanted could bring another outfit for the next day to try again. So glad I just went with it, not trying to get a perfect picture because these are pure gold LOL!
My MIL had introduced me to Five Mary’s Farms on Instagram a long time ago, I love following them! It is so neat to see how they operate & their girls are such lights. So I finally decided to order a box of their meats when I received a bonus at work and we can not wait to dig in & get cooking with all of these
Marinara or pizza sauce (any type of red sauce) are Ro’s FAVORITE! Making the mistake of putting it in his eye though definitely was not
This morning family selfie was my FAVE of the week!
We had one of our FAVORITE dinners this week, TX Chicken. My husband’s fraternity had a cook, Char, and this was one of our fave meals she made, she made a cookbook of all the bests when she retired and we love being able to reminisce on college through our fave foods!
Lastly, I shared a some of the books I’ve read recently and my thoughts on them!
OMG he kills me- so flippin’ cute! Pictures to treasure forever for sure! Have a great weekend Rechelle
Hehe, sure keeps us laughing with his spunk! Thanks Holly
Happy Friday Rechelle and family! What a great family selfie to start your post! How does Ro get cuter every time I see him? Have a great weekend
I don’t know how Ro does it, but I could gobble him up!
Thanks Laurie!
Sweet Ro, I love his overalls! That chicken looks delicious, too! Have a great weekend, y’all!
Thanks! I love a little boy in overalls
That’s so cute, they should have taken another better shot and let you see both though!
Yes I had thought that too, thankfully we have exceptional pictures from our family pics of just Ro so I wasn’t too worried about it!