Linking up to share my favorites of the week here, which is really just a recap of last weekend!

Friday night we attended the last Food Trucks Festival in town. The weather was perfect for it and we found a shady little spot away from all the busyness.

Weekend morning on our deck are my FAVORITE <3 Followed by a nap make them even better! Then we spent some time outside while Dad worked in the garage too.

Then on Sunday we did our usual grocery shopping followed by tinkering around home and then taking all the pics to document Ronald at 6 months, I shared an update on him here on Monday.

Wednesday I linked up to share my favorite binge shows here.

We’ve been battling a viral infection with a crazy fever most of the week which is NOT my fave, but our little man is finally on the mend and this moment last night was definitely a FAVORITE after this rough week <3

Glad your little guy is on the mend- he is looking more and more like you Rechelle- just precious- have a wonderful weekend XO
Awe thank you Holly, I think so too! 😉
Aw, sorry you had a rough week but glad Ronald is doing better.
TGIF lol!!!!
Happy Friday! Bummer on the infection but glad baby is getting healthy. Love those little tiger shoes Ronald is wearing. Such a cutie. Hope the weekend is restful and fun!
He loved the tigers too, we said he kept eating his tiger toes hehe! Hoping for a better weekend too, thank you Laurie 🙂