January – This month ended up being indicative of the rest of the year lol, we didn’t have a whole lot of plans and just hung around home together for the most part.

February – I gave Ro his first haircut in prep for his birthday & pictures. We celebrated Ro’s 1st birthday with a Pizza & Penguins party with friends & family 🙂 Ron & I also got out for our first date night to a local concert and hired our first & only babysitter lol. McGruff joined our family too!

March – We just barely & thankfully squeezed in a girls night early in the month! Then Ro got sick…and Ron got sick…and finally I got sick. We were all in rough shape for a bit there and of course at the same time Covid hit our country in full force. This month kicked off 5 months of working from home and spending all of our days together, I documented a day in our life here.

April – While March was hard as we all felt so sick & then had to abruptly transition to working from home with a toddler & 3 dogs, April started to feel like we found a rhythm & system that worked for us. We enjoyed getting outside more throughout the day! Celebrated Easter as a small family.

May – We opened up our tiny quarantine circle and saw my family! We saw my mom every single Friday as she’d come over to be with Ro & then stopped seeing them in March when Covid hit, so to go from weekly to 2 months was hard! We spent even more time outside. Fell in love with mowing the lawn 😉 Put in a sandbox for Ro and started the garden.

June – We continued to enjoy our time together, watching Ro literally grow before our eyes! We celebrated Father’s Day <3

July – We explored outside more, having fun on our splash pad and taking a trip to some local trails. The garden grew beautifully! We celebrated birthdays! We stayed with G&G E for 2 whole weeks while Daddy had a work trip to AZ!!

August – We shared the pregnancy news with Dada as soon as he returned home! I returned on site to work after 5 months at home. The garden became out of control lol. We enjoyed our family bike rides.

September – Grandma took Ro home for the weekend so that Ron & I could celebrate our 6th anniversary – by grabbing a simple dinner & shopping at Trader Joe’s lol! Had my first OB appointment and got to see & hear the little bean <3 Took our first bump photo at 11 weeks! Daddy took another work trip, this time to Colorado for a week while Ro & I held down the fort at home.

October – G&G M came to visit for a week & made a fun trip to the zoo! We revealed the gender of Baby #2 to our families. Made treat bags for the Halloween party at daycare. Trick or Treated. Celebrated Halloween with spirit week at daycare! Put in an offer on our now forever home <3 And carved pumpkins from our very own garden, one weighing over 40lbs!!

November – Continued to try to soak up time outside as it got colder out. Packed & packed & packed some more lol. Enjoyed Thanksgiving together. North Pole Breakfast where our elf, Darby, arrived! Had our ultrasound <3

December – Finished packing, signed a bunch of papers, & MOVED in to our forever home <3 Had fun with spirit week at daycare. Announced our new home & new baby. Celebrated Christmas. And settled in to home.

What a wonderful 2020 recap! I remember the pictures from the beginning of the year and into spring… Loved seeing your great garden – ours didn’t fare too well (let’s blame COVID). The picture of Ro with the spilled bag of pom-poms/puff balls – LOL. SO MUCH love and smiles even with this pandemic. Hoping for a bit more sanity in 2021 – take care…
Thanks Laurie! Hoping for the same 😉
It was fun to look back at your year! Ro always looks so happy. Do you think you had covid in March?
Thanks, it was fun to look through the photos & see how much Ro has grown! We certainly do wonder if we had Covid in March…hard to say though and oddly no one we closely interacted with was ill.