Hello Friday! Linking up with Andrea, Erika, and Narci to share my favorites
The many faces of Ronald keep me laughing daily! He’s got some attitude 😉
As I am breastfeeding Ronald I have been trying to pump once a day, typically in the morning to build a little stash of milk in the freezer. Plus so Dad could feed baby too! Tuesday I was feeling even more ambitious and made us egg burritos for breakfast while I pumped lol!
We enjoyed some pretty tasty dinners this week too! Ribs on Wednesday night when my sister had come over to help with Ronald so that I could take the beags to the vet for there annual check up. And then swiss & spinach meatballs are always a favorite of mine!
Kristi shared this in her Insta story yesterday and I thought it was so fitting!
And I loved this that my midwives posted this week too <3
I updated some of the pictures in our home with images from Ronald’s newborn session. Love seeing these in our living room every day and that big painting in the middle was a lovely wedding gift, it was actually painted from one of our engagement photos!
On Wednesday I finally shared a recap of Ronald’s first month, even though he’ll be 2 months next week!
His faces are cracking me up! He is so precious. Love your wall collage Rechelle- have a great weekend!
Thanks Holly! Yes, he sure is a funny little guy 😄
He is just so cute! The food all looks so yummy too!
Happy Friday! Hope all is healthy with H and H. Oh your son’s expressions- if only he could say what’s on his mind… or maybe not. 😉. Love the blue color of your picture wall and all the photos. Have a great weekend!
Yep, H & H just had to get their vaccines & heartmeds, checked out all good! I’m thinking we might have our hands full as Ronald grows lol, he’s got quite the personality 😉 Thanks Laurie!
I can’t believe he’ll be two months soon! He has the cutest facial expressions. That means lots of personality!!! Enjoy your weekend Rechelle!
Yes, can’t wait to see his personality bloom!
Yes, I can’t wait to see his personality bloom!