I’m joining in on Andrea’s link up, we’re sharing our favorite blog posts! I’ve only been blogging for 3 short months but I still have several favorite blog posts. Ones that came from the heart, others that I poured my heart in to, and others that were just fun to work on as a new blogger. See my favorite 6 posts and why I chose them below!

- Show & Tell: Pets – This was my first true blog post topic. I worked hard to collect the pictures and put them into collages. I also really poured my heart into the content. I love my pets and this post has a lot of meaning to me!
- Show & Tell: My Tribe – I really poured my heart into this post! I love my tribe hard and tried my best to show that. These people are my people.
- My Favorite Birthday Beagles – Again, another post that I really love for its meaning to me. These 2 crazy beagle boys have all my heart and I sure hope they know it!
- Homemade Doggie Treats – This was my first true tutorial. It was fun to set up and take pictures along the way. Plus I always love to make sure my boys have the best, so homemade treats are just as much a favorite of mine as they are theirs.
- Fave Cruelty Free Products – This topic is near and dear to my heart. It is important to me to spread the information and make others aware. I am also a fan of sharing or reading about products that have been successful for others – it can be a long process finding something that works well!
- DIY: Watermelon Wreath – I enjoy getting crafty and it was fun to share my steps for this cute and easy DIY. Tutorials are neat to do as a new blogger because it really makes you think about the process and capture it for your readers.
Some of your favorite and most popular viewed posts are my What’s Up Wednesday link ups from June and August, as well as Faves on Friday (here and here were among the top).
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