TGIF!!! Linking up with Andrea, Erika, and Narci for Friday Favorites AND Sarah to share my favorite meaningful holiday memories!

Project 52, Weeks 48 & 49

A couple weekends ago we had unseasonably warm weather & it was sunny too. So we quick loaded up the beags and headed out for a family adventure! Which really was just walking the paths at a local hospital campus, but it is what we normally do and it provided plenty of new scents!

I know this is a blurry photo but I had to zoom way in so you could see…coming home to these sweet faces is just the best thing in the world! It also makes leaving difficult when they’re looking out at us too!

These moments are always a FAVORITE!

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year: Favorite Meaningful Holiday Memories (I have to give credit to my Sister for sending me copies of the below photos, especially since I didn’t even think to ask until yesterday!)

Growing up we always spent Christmas Eve at Papa & Gma’s with my cousins. I remember opening so many gifts & staying up way too late considering we were going to wake up early the next morning for Santa ๐ These memories are extra special this year now that both of my grandparents are gone,

The Christmas program at school was the absolute best thing ever! My parents & grandparents never missed one. Of course my mom also always dressed my sister & I in coordinating holiday outfits, wait who am I kidding we were literally ALWAYS dressed in coordinating outfits and I’m not even mad about it #KidOfATwinProblems

I just laugh so hard at this next one…These red beads used to belong to my Mom, they were on our Christmas tree growing up. We all groaned when it came time to decorate the tree because those darn beads were THE WORST! They tangled so easily and didn’t go around the tree very easily. However, my Mom changed up her decor & tree scheme eventually and stored the beads away. Until of course I requested them after putting up our first Christmas tree in our new home…I was thinking we didn’t have many ornaments yet and the beads would be a nice addition/filler. Putting them on my tree now brings the biggest smile to my face each year because I just remember how much we all hated them but it just wasn’t our tree without them! Happy to have pieces of my childhood home in my own home now, even if it is those darn beads ๐

I don’t put nearly as many strands of the red beads on my tree but they sure are special ๐
Today we’re off work and celebrating Christmas early with my fam! We’ve got plans for a little relaxation, maybe some shopping, and of course festive activities too!
Love the bead story! Itโs so funny what you start to appreciate as an adult!
Is it terrible that my brother and I at 26/23 still get matching pajamas from our mom every year for Christmas Eve?! ๐
Thanks Sam, that is SO true!! And I love that you still get matching pajamas, never too old ๐