A little out of order, but first up I’d like to wish my Dad a Happy Birthday!

As always, my Project 52 Week 32 layout.

The second book I’m reading this month is Letters to My Daughters: The Art of Being a Wife by Barbara Rainey and I just wanted to share my first thoughts, though of course I’ll share more in my review post at the end of the month! In just over 2 weeks my husband and I will celebrate 3 years of marriage and this month we’ve been together for 8 years total. I know that is not such a long time though sometimes it feels like it is, however I am not so naive as to think that marriage is or will be easy. I’m just over halfway through this book and while I haven’t come across anything profound, it has been full of excellent reminders! I constantly try to read books, blogs or other articles to continually be the best wife that I possibly can. I’ve enjoyed this book so far because it has reminded me to be a little more intentional and it has sparked great conversation between my husband and I that keeps us working on our marriage!

On Wednesday I interviewed my husband and asked him 20 questions. I enjoyed sharing more about him on this blog, you can read it here!

Last weekend we had a big group of people over to help put the body back on our Corvette! It actually looks like a car now instead of 2 halves in our garage, however we are still a good bit away from getting it all back together. Hoping we can get at least one ride in before the end of the year!
We went on a family walk every single night this week! It wasn’t what we always wanted to do but it felt great once we actually did it and I know it was good for all of us 🙂 Here’s to keeping it up this weekend!

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