Its my usual Friday Favorites featuring Hal! I’m linking up with Andrea as always and sharing some of my favorite moments from the week.

But oh boy has he found his home with us now! Playing fetch and destroying toys to his hearts content. It warms my heart when Hal comes in for a snuggle or when I find him curled up with Hank and he has become my favorite little reading buddy!

I mean look at this precious face, he is just so darn happy. We believe he didn’t have a great life before just from how he reacts to certain things so we are SO happy to have adopted and rescued him. He loves us and we love him more back!

My layout for week 13 last week. I’m using the Project Life App to complete Project 52 this year where I make a layout for each week so that I can then print them all out and have a book of our year, 2017!

I had a fun impromptu girls night last weekend! And it was filled with wine, even better 😉 See my weekend wind down post from Monday.

I finally made a trip to Target last Friday, I haven’t been in a couple weeks! I definitely had a little theme of cacti in my cart. I love adding in cacti to our home, since my husband is from AZ it brings a piece of his home in ours 🙂 (Door Mat, t-shirt, bed sheets)

I shared this little DIY on Wednesday, I love seeing our bunny wreath on our front door every day when we come home!

Finally…#BaseballIsBack #GoTigers #AprilInTheD

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