Linking up to share my favorites, please share your favorites from the week in the comments below – we can all use some JOY! π

On Monday I shared a bit from our weekend at home.

Then on Wednesday I shared a day in our life from last Friday, I know in the future I will appreciate having documented what life looked like for us through these times.

We put Ro to work this week π figured if we’re working from home right now he may as well learn how to also lol!

We were gifted a snack box subscription for Christmas and have so enjoyed getting to try new snacks, we’ve actually found quite a few that we have since purchased and have in regular rotation. These brussels sprout puffs were a new one we tried this week and while I was a little skeptical I actually found I REALLY liked them!! Ro loved them too! I also LOVED the cinnamon churro sweet potato puffs, YES PLEASE!!!

Ro sported his Easter shirt this week and was looking extra cute, so I snapped a lot of pics π

The sun & warmth finally came out yesterday and we SO enjoyed getting outside to soak it all in!! Our favorite day of this week for sure.

Love Ronald’s shirt! Those snacks sound really good.
Thank you! Yes, the snacks are very tasty!
Happy Friday everyone! Made it through another shelter-in-place week! Bummer that it will rain this weekend but at least hubby will be home and we can do things. Having an English conversation w the dog is difficult. She speaks bark and puppy eye dialect. Lol. Have a blessed, healthy weekend!