As always is my Project 52, Week 40 layout

On Monday I shared a day in our life from last Sunday, always a favorite post of mine!

Then on Wednesday I shared how I make our home cozy, its all about keeping everyone in the family happy & comfy 😉

LOVING these Fall hedgies that my MIL sent me!

I noticed on the walking app we use (ResQ Walk) that we have now walked more this year than we did last year! So that was exciting 🙂 I don’t always remember to start my app when we walk and sometimes my phone is dead so I can’t use it, so we’ve definitely walked even more than this – the beags are HAPPY, which makes us happy!

We made one of my favorite fall dinners this week, neither of us really felt like cooking but we just got to it and I was really glad we did. Stuffed Acorn Squash with sausage, peppers, carrots, and spinach – YUM!

We’re headed for a weekend spent away with some friends that we are very much looking forward to, YAY!
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