You know the drill, I’ve got my Project 52, Week 31 layout first!

On Wednesday I joined the What I Wore Wednesday linkup to share some of my favorite outfits I’ve been worn recently to go along with the favorite accessories I shared last Friday.

Last Friday we kicked off the weekend with Friday Food Trucks in our little city and I of course had a burrito because burritos are my love language!

On Saturday and Sunday I baked ALL the bread in an attempt to use the seemingly never-ending squash and zucchini from our garden. Turns out 6 loves later and I still only used one squash and one zucchini – though it should be noted they were quite large. I gave away some bread and froze the rest that I knew we wouldn’t eat this week.

I also made some new frozen watermelon treats for Hank & Hal! I think they approved 😉 Really easy though – I used watermelon and coconut oil, for every 2 cups of cubed watermelon I added a tablespoon of oil, blended with my blender and poured in to molds to freeze!

I took the beags on a walk on Monday and it was so beautiful out!They were pretty well behaved too for walking them on my own, love getting to spend this time with them 🙂

We’ve got big plans to get the body put back on the Corvette this weekend – EXCITING things happening over here! Happy Friday 🙂
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