Sharing my weekly favorites and linking up with Andrea at Momfessionals as always!

Of course first up with the layout for my Project 52, both weeks 4 & 5 since I forgot to share one last week!

My post from Wednesday about Keeping Marriage Strong was a favorite because I shared how we make it work, most of which I don’t think is too special.

And since I didn’t get a wind down the weekend post in this week here are some favorites from last weekend 🙂

We grabbed breakfast at Panera before Ron had to go to class since we have a free bagel each day for the month.

I dropped Ron off for class and headed out for grocery shopping, well and Target of course! Then I picked him up around noon and we headed to a little pizza joint for lunch.

Stopped at home to load up the beags and we headed to my parents. (I finished that book last weekend too, can’t wait to share it for my February book review!)

My Gma has little notes and jokes taped up throughout her house, this one really struck me and makes you think…

HAPPY FRIDAY! Enjoy the weekend 🙂
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