Hank & Hal are falling into their new big brother roles just great! I’ll admit, I was a little nervous throughout my pregnancy about how they would adjust to a baby. I actually really struggled when we added Hal to our family too, worried about what Hank might think! I really wanted to make sure that they still felt so very loved!

We did do a little prep before Ronald arrived, making sure our treat cupboard was well stocked and that we had extra new toys on hand to give them throughout my maternity leave.

Certainly there have been a few times, mainly in those first couple weeks where I’ve lost my cool with the dogs or didn’t give them the attention they deserved and I felt horrible about it after. But mostly we have worked hard to ensure that they are sill getting the attention and love that they need. We’re getting out for family walks as much as we can when the weather cooperates too!

The day we arrived home from the hospital Hank & Hal didn’t react much, it was a little bit of a let down lol! I think since Ron & I had been gone for almost 3 days though they were just excited to have us home!

Then in the days that followed and we were all losing sleep I think Hank & Hal were thinking okay, you can take this tiny human back from wherever it came from ๐

Now in the last few weeks that we’ve fallen into a good routine we’re all doing so much better! Hank always gets so concerned when Ronald cries and gets close to see how he can help, he is very much interested in Ronald and I think he is already looking forward to when they can get into mischief together! Hal always has to be in the same room as us, and more than anything I can see him telling Ronald that whenever he is done with his toys Hal will happily take them over and he’ll be ready for a game of fetch anytime HA!

We are very much looking forward to seeing their relationships develop, certainly once solid food comes into the picture they’ll be BFFs ๐ For now Hank & Hal have learned how much this little boy means to us and they’re loving on him too <3
I love everything about this post Rechelle- I can’t take the cuteness! I am sure they are the BEST big brothers- that picture of Ronald with the sunglasses and pacifier? Squishing my heart! ๐
I love the title of this post! My sleepy Monday eyes did a double take… so glad that Hank and Hal are coming around to their little brother. Curious to see how their relationship develops as Ronald grows and starts moving about. You and Ron are wonderful parents all around!
We’re looking forward to watching their bond grow too! Thank you for the kind words Laurie:)
We had a dog when our kids were born, and he was always just a little curious and eventually good friends with each of them!