Hi there! Linking up with Erika & Shay for another installment of How We Wednesdays. This time the topic is Mom Fails haha!

I’ve had my share of dog mom fails and am happy to report that I’ve lived to tell & laugh about them too! π I think probably every doggie parent has at one time or another found themselves away from home without a waste bag, yikes. I HATE being that person that doesn’t clean up after my dogs, especially when I have no intention of it and just ran out of baggies. Thankfully it has only ever happened when we’ve been walking around our neighborhood so I’ll run home to get a baggie and then return to clean up lol!

One time I recall we ran out of dog food, OOPS, so I made due with fruits, veggies, & meats we have in our fridge and our dogs always love a fried egg too π To be fair we did go to the pet store in town they just didn’t have the brand of food we buy, so it wasn’t like we didn’t try lol, though I suppose we did let it get low enough that we ran out! We now have a subscription to get our dog food delivered monthly so we avoid this issue.

This past November our dogs were sprayed by a skunk, EEKS! Honestly, thankfully I wasn’t home when it happened but regardless we certainly weren’t prepared for it. One made it in the house and rubbed all over our couch and who knows where else. Our house smelled BAD for a solid week and then it got better, now we don’t smell a thing and neither does anyone else that has visited. Though both Hank & Hal smell faintly of skunk any time they get wet still. We now keep a stock of solution to treat the spray in case it ever happens again.
One time our Hank got into a tub of chocolate covered espresso beans…his heart was going a mile a minute of course! We also realized he was going outside (we have a doggie door) to puke and then was eating it all back up YUCK! He also once got into a whole mega box of greenies (toothbrush type treat) and was SO bloated as a result. His tummy was so full & quite hard, we could just tell he was miserable feeling like he ate too much but I know he was totally saying #NoRegrets #SorryNotSorry!

Last and probably the biggest fail we’ve had is when Hank ate butter from the butter dish for multiple days before we figured him out! So turns out our Hank can jump up on our counters and only ever does so when we’re not home so we’ve never actually witnessed it. He ate butter out of the butter dish on the counter one day while we were at work, I just thought either Ron or I had used all the butter so I refilled the dish. When I went to use the butter for my toast the next day it was empty again! So that is when we learned that our dog could get on the counter. Which then led us to learning that he could get in the cupboards because after finding he could get on the counters we hid the butter in the cupboard. So then we put a child lock on the cabinets which is when we found out that he could over come the child lock. Now we have 2 types of child locks on our cupboards above our counters and who knows how much butter Hank has eaten. OH JOY! LOL

Most of my dog mom fails come from our Hank because he is just SUCH a beagle – always getting into everything and completely pushing the limits. He definitely keeps me on my toes and I’ve learned to never think I’m fully prepared with him or have everything covered because he’ll surprise me and teach me something new HAHA! Hal destroys all his dog toys which leaves all the stuffing and shreds of the material ALL over our house! Always something with those two but they’re cute & have a lot of love too so its worth it π
This entire post made me laugh out loud- so cute!! π
Hehe, thanks Holly! π
I’m so glad you posted this because just the title made me laugh! The story about the butter is hilarious. What a monkey dog you have! My dog once got sick after eating a bow tie off a stuffed animal, but he never got into food.
Our dogs always have us laughing so I’m glad I could share! Yes, Hank is quite the acrobat and always in to something lol π
Happy Wednesday Rechelle… oh the stories of dog mom fails! I feel your embarrassment on forgetting the dog poop bag – now I tie one to the leash “handle”. BUT that’s only when we use THAT leash – sometimes it’s a different one! One of my more frequent “oops” is that I trip over a dog toy while trying to get us out the door… “mom, what are you doing – hurry up – my public awaits me!” Oh, it only my dogs (past and present) could talk or write a tell-all… I’m in so much trouble!
Oh my goodness LOL, yes if they could talk about all our fails we’d be doomed π I love “my public awaits me” haha, its so true as they are always thinking everything is about them. Though I think they’re probably right, everything usually IS about them! Thanks for reading Laurie π
What cute pups! And what a great idea to have the food delivered! I have cats and have definitely found myself feeding them lunch meat until I could get to the store.
Thank you Amanda! Yes, we set up a subscription for dog food from Amazon – now we never run out, sometimes we actually have more than we need.