I thought I’d take a few minutes to document what our diaper bag essentials are right now. First up though is that I recommend a backpack diaper bag forever and for always, we’ve never used anything else but I can not imagine having to manage any other type of bag on top of carrying a baby or carseat!! We love our backpack and especially important, my husband doesn’t mind carrying this because it is neutral enough for him.

Inside of course we always make sure we’ve got a stock of diapers & wipes! I try to keep an adult snack or two in here as well because nobody wants a hangry parent π

These doggy bags are useful for tossing dirty diapers, in case there isn’t trash nearby it can all be contained to throw away later. Or if its a poopy diaper these contain the mess & smell.

I keep a wet bag for anything that might become soiled, this way it doesn’t make a mess of everything else! AND, I found these from someone in Instagram and they are truly the best for when you have mess and need to get clothes soaking so they don’t stain before you get home!! We’ve used it once for a blowout diaper and it worked excellent, the white onesie washed perfectly when we got home π

Hand sanitizer was especially important during those first couple months where it was still high alert for cold & flu season with a newborn. These spray kinds work great and I like keeping them around the house too, I keep one in my pumping bag even. And the sanitizing wipes are great for wiping down grocery carts or doors when you’re venturing outside the house too!

We’re got a few other things in our diaper backpack but I’ve found these to be nice little, not so obvious tricks π
OMG I laughed at the adult snack and “hangry”- genious Rechelle….simply genius! Ha ha!! That hand sanitizer is a great idea too π
Hehe, Mama needs a snack too!
Not having children I never thought to carry extra dog poop bags for a dirty diaper! Provided you have the right size, that is. π. The backpack is good looking for anyone.
Yes, the dog poop bags come in so handy!