I’ve been sharing bumpdates every couple weeks but thought I’d sneak in for a weekly one here since we’re getting so close! Yesterday marked 39 weeks and I can not believe that Baby M could join us any day now, though it could also be another week or more lol

A quick status on blogging…I plan to keep up with my regular schedule until babe arrives, though obviously that could change at any moment. I will be taking a break for some time after he gets here and posting less frequently. I’m not sure how long I’ll be away, I so enjoy staying in touch with each of YOU! You can always follow me over on Instagram as I will probably post more frequently there since it might be easier at first. Thanks for reading along as always! 🙂

I’m starting to get just a little more uncomfortable, tired, and sore but certainly no where near miserable. As much as I can not wait for his arrival I am also practicing patience and enjoying these last days of life before baby!

How far along:Â 39 Weeks, Due January 29th
Size of baby:Â Small Pumpkin
Gender:Â BOY!
Weight Gain:Â 25.4lbs
Maternity Clothes: I’ve just been rotating all my favorites, making sure I’m getting all the wears out of them that I can 😉
Nursery: We love how this room came together!
Movement: Every single time at my weekly appointment when I lay down for my midwife to measure the fundal height, Baby M balls up & bulges out at the top of my belly! It always makes us laugh 😉
Symptoms:Â I don’t really feel like I’ve had much if any signs of labor yet, so he I think he is still quite comfy & cozy in there!
Cravings:Â Seems like lately I don’t have a huge interest in cooking and would rather just indulge in all the sweets hehe
What I miss:Â Oh gosh I feel like I miss a lot of things…like sleeping through the night without going to the bathroom, eating cold cut sandwiches, wearing my wedding rings…lol, I am so close and it just feels like it has been ages at this point!
Best moment this week:Â Making time for a couple last dates just the 2 of us!
Looking forward to:Â Baby M making his arrival!
And for fun this is a look at ALL of my bump pics, we started taking them at 14 weeks…to think I thought I had a bump then lol 😉

Aww Love seeing the bump pictures all together. Can’t wait! See you and that little bundle of joy soon. Love you!
It was fun putting together all the pictures and comparing them! We can’t wait to see you!!!
So exciting! Love the collage of all the pictures!
Wow! I love seeing the progression of your pregnancy!!! Hopefully a cold cut sandwich will be one of your first post-birth meals!! Savor these last few days!!! 🙂
Isn’t it neat to see the progression!? Yes, I will plan to indulge in a sandwich lol 😉
It has been a complete joy following along with you- take care of yourself Mama XO
Thank you Holly!!! 🙂
(A little late to comment). I’m so excited for you as your due date draws near. Love the bump date update collage, seeing your pregnancy progress. Thank you for sharing… You’re beautiful mama! Big hugs and love from CA
Seeing the pictures all together is so fun! Thanks for following along 🙂