I’m linking up with Abi at Bloomability for another monthly BLOOM post. We’re sharing how our experiences help us bloom into the better people that we are meant to be and the topic for September is Random Acts of Kindness. See last month’s bloom here.

2013 Shay Cochrane
I’m a huge lover of reading and I love going to my library or any library really! I still buy books when I know its one I really want or would like to keep on hand, but the library is one of my absolute favorite places. So, when looking ahead to this post and thinking about what I might like to do I remembered seeing this idea on pinterest. I knew it was the perfect act of kindness for me!

I stuck a buck in the library book I was returning. Then I also walked around the library and selected a few of my favorite books to tuck another dollar in to.
First I headed into the kids book section to hide a dollar in a book that will hopefully be an exciting surprise for a kid. This is about the age that my love for reading developed. The Doll People was my absolute favorite book, my parents still have it at home and it still makes me smile when I see it! I found that there were 2 additional books in the library but actually 4 total, I seriously considered checking them out. I REALLY loved that book!

Then I went to the young adult section to put a dollar in a book in hopes that it will encourage and inspire a teenager. Sarah Dessen was my favorite author throughout high school. There weren’t many of her books on the shelf so I found the newest in hope that it has better chances of being checked out.

Finally I ended in the fiction section and found a book to continue passing on the positivity. I chose an Elin Hilderbrand novel, my current favorite author, and I know this one will be found because I’ve struggled to check her books out all summer since there are plenty of others who love her too!

I won’t be able to see the reactions of those who find their hidden money but I do hope it brings a smile to their faces and moves them to do the same for others! It certainly put a smile on my face and in my heart just at the thought of people finding unexpected kindness 🙂

Have you done any random acts of kindness or been the recipient of any? I challenge you to complete a RAoK before the end of this month and come back here to share. It’s doesn’t have to be a large or grand gesture any small things will do too 🙂
This put a big smile on my face! You are so inspiring…thank you for sharing! I’ll be sharing a RAK ?❤
Oh my goodness! Love love this idea! So sweet and so inspiring! I know for a fact they will all be blessed. 🙂