I’m linking up with Abi at Bloomability for her monthly link up party! We’re sharing how our experiences help us bloom into the better people that we are meant to be and the topic for August is Learn Something.
When I sat down to work on this post I thought “ugh, I haven’t learned anything recently.” Until I realized we all learn lots of things every day, week, month, and year. Sometimes what we learn is so easy that we don’t even realize that it was actually learned. While other things are challenging and take time to learn.
I decided to keep it simple, this year I learned how to garden. Certainly this is a learn as I go thing and I still do not know what I’m doing most of the time. But I did take a bit of time early this spring to research and learn tips and tricks for beginner gardeners, then I tried my hand at selecting a few crops, sowing the seeds, and then tending to it daily. I was so pleased with our results this year!

I chose crops that I had read were fairly easy and ones I knew we for sure would enjoy. I’m not at all a picky eater, while my husband sometimes can be. I wanted us both to enjoy the harvests from the garden, especially since I knew we were sticking with a smaller garden just to test out and wouldn’t necessarily have bountiful harvests.

We planted potatoes, carrots, peas, green beans, lettuce, and peppers along with basil and oregano and flowers too (cosmos & zinnias). The lettuce was overwhelming and so so easy! The potatoes were slightly smaller than I had hoped but they were the perfect creamy for mashed potatoes. We only had one pea plant and one bean plant take off from the several seeds planted, so they weren’t crazy successful but still fun to grow. I didn’t think we had a lot of carrots at first but after harvesting we made Sheppard’s pie, stir fry, and roasted mixed veggies…so they went a long way. We haven’t had any peppers yet, they’re still growing! And the herbs are awesome for quick adding spice to our meals.

My absolute FAVORITE has been the flowers!! They are growing out of control! I’ve been cutting a fresh bouquet for our home every week for the last month and I even took some home to my mom 🙂 (brownie points)

I’m already looking ahead to our garden next year and planning for even bigger! =]

This is awesome girl!!! Seriously you’re killing it! Way to go! Thanks for linking up!
Thank you for the kind words Abi!!! I love keeping up with your blog and look forward to the monthly link up 🙂