I’m sharing another monthly review of the books I’ve read in August. See my June reviews here and my July books here.
I added another Elin Hilderbrand book to my list again this month, her newest, Here’s To Us. And again, another great read! I think this was one of her best and most of the book actually takes place over the course of only a few days. It is about 3 ex-wives who come together for a weekend on Nantucket after the death of their ex-husband. I’m sure you can only imagine how that might go down.

One thing I want to mention that I haven’t before is that these Hilderbrand books don’t have traditional chapters. This took a little time for me to get used to since I only stop reading after completing a chapter. Usually each “chapter” is written from a different character’s point of view and they start or stop at any point on the page. It is clear though that a new character is talking and I just had to train myself to see these as chapters.

Next I moved on to Sophie Hudson’s, Giddy Up Eunice. I am telling you, if you only read one book this year make it this one! Even if you’ve never read a Sophie Hudson book, just pick this one up. So inspiring, so moving, so touching, and absolutely perfect. This latest book from Sophie focuses on our relationships with other women, why we need them, and how they relate to scripture. I absolutely loved it and think it is her best yet!!! 

Now since I said ‘scripture’ above I do want to clarify as to not let that turn you away too quickly. Honestly, I myself am not an overly religious person. But no worries…Sophie doesn’t shove her religion or faith in your face through this book. She simply draws relations and correlations. Here, I’ll even share a tid bit to show you how much of the book reads: “Let me see if I can break this down. Mary was in a little bit of a cultural pickle. She was fourteen, she was unmarried, and she had just found out that she was going to give birth to, you know, the Savior of the world. But Gabriel made a point to relay the info that Mary’s cousin, Elizabeth, was also pregnant, and Mary no doubt knew what an unexpected pregnancy that was since Elizabeth was about thirty years older than the average woman who signs up for the baby registry at Target.” See, it’s pretty light and funny, not so bad huh?! Please, read this one ladies!

Are there any must reads I should add to my list for September? I’ve already got Truly, Madly, Guilty by Liane Moriarty checked out from the library.
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