Hi, I’m Rechelle, wife to Ron, mom to Ronald, and beagle mom to Hank & Hal.
This is our life, welcome to Our Home with Hounds!

Both my husband and I work as engineers and reside on our beagle ranch in Greater Metro Detroit, MI. I call it a beagle ranch because if I’m being honest our beagles run our home (as they should). Now we’ve added a little boy to the mix and well he’s being raised by beagles too 😉
I enjoy experimenting in the kitchen with cooking and baking, getting crafty, reading, spending time with my family, all things hedgehog, and of course Target! Because doesn’t everyone love a Target trip? 😉

I believe in girl power and strong women. I’ve surrounded myself with the best girlfriends I could ever imagine and have an extraordinary role model in my mother too.

Here you will find me sharing bits and pieces from Our Home with Hounds. You can expect topics like craft projects – both successful and not (because you know sometimes a dog chews it up), products – makeup, cleaning, clothes, books I’ve read and recommend, recipes (I’ll leave out the dog hair though), friendship, marriage, babies…you know all the same kinds of things that are happening in your life too. So please feel free to comment, follow me on social media, or send me an email. I’m looking forward to getting to know you too!
You can find my favorite products via my influencer link on Amazon here!