I thought it would be fun to share a day in the life post. It is always one of my favorite posts to read from other bloggers and I think it will be a neat to look back on years from now to see how daily life has changed. Nothing too exciting here but I think it is interesting to see what others do on a daily basis!
5:32 our alarm went off. I don’t normally set an alarm but Ron was out late picking up an LS3 engine for the Corvette so I set it on my phone just in case he forgot. We usually get right up and moving or if the beags are snuggly then we get trapped for another 30 minutes. This morning though since Ron didn’t get to bed til 11p or later we slept in until 6 for some extra z’s.


Hal likes to get in a little play at breakfast and that little tongue kills me!
We try to be out the door by 7am! I love that we get to carpool most days 🙂 Ron drops me off and then heads to work about 10 minutes away from me.

By 8am I have my mug filled, I like to bring a different one each week. If it is cold out or I just need a little pick me up I’ll have a cup of hot tea! Otherwise I just have water, my goal is always to fill it up and drink one mug full each hour. Its an easy way to consciously try to drink the recommended amount each day!

On Monday mornings I have a couple of reports to put together…lots of data using SAP and excel.

Our little group usually breaks for lunch around 11 and I only like to take a quick 30 minute break! Its plenty of time for me to eat my food and catch up on social media, plus the shorter lunch I take then hopefully the sooner I can get back home 😉 I forgot to grab a picture on Monday so this one is actually from Tuesday.

My job responsibilities vary and I am constantly working on many different projects. When I head out to the manufacturing floor this is what I get to wear, so fabulous! Again, I forgot to grab a pic on Monday so this is Tuesday. For reference I work for a contract electronics manufacturer and we build various circuits boards, so we don’t want static electricity building up and shocking the boards since it can damage them. This is why I get to wear a lovely smock to reduce friction and static and the heel straps ground me to the floor so all static is dissipated through the floor and not when I touch product.

I also spend a great deal of time working on layouts in AutoCAD. I’ll be honest, it isn’t a glamorous job (quite nerdy) but I am good at what I do and I enjoy it! Girls are engineers too!

It’s quitting time around 4-4:30! Ron will text me he is on his way, I usually wait about 10 minutes and then start packing up to wait in the lobby for him. And we’re home by 5pm.

Hal always greets us with a toy and wagging tail. Hank runs around like wild and howls his heart out!

I would say the 5 o’clock hour is our witching hour, its definitely filled with the most chaos and it feels like we have lots to get done! I turn on Ellen and we get to work. The beags eat at 5:30 and not a minute later! We unpack lunches and get started on making dinner.

This was Hank & Hal counting down the minutes until their dinnertime.

Ron wasn’t feeling the greatest so I took on most of the duties and let him nap. Made an easy dinner of Naan bread pizza. I love the 4 packs from Whole Foods so I can make 4 personal pizzas, 2 of which will be leftovers for lunch.

By 6pm we eat dinner and take some time to unwind by watching some youtube together.

After the nap and dinner Ron was getting better so we decided we better take the beags for a walk to get out their crazies 😉 Sometimes we don’t always want to walk them but we know it is good for all of us, plus then at least they won’t bug us as much through the evening. And it always feels good once we are out there!

After our walk the beags always get a treat and they expect it! Sometimes I wonder if Hal just wants to go on a walk because he knows he’ll get a treat after lol cause he runs in waiting for it.

After dinner I try to be productive for an hour by doing some chores, usually from 7p to 8p. Sometimes its laundry or dishes or cleaning the bathroom or just general clean/pickup. This night it was the laundry that has been waiting in the dryer for 2 days and some dishes. Then Ron was trying to get the engine he just bought out of our rental Jeep and on the engine stand into the garage. I went out and helped him for a little bit.

I like to start my bedtime routine around 9p. Hank & Hal know what bedtime means and when we say the word they will head to the bedroom. I’ll wash my face and brush my teeth. Then I try to read a little before I fall hopefully by 10pm.

That’s it friends! A day in my life 🙂 What do you get done in a day?
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