Yesterday marked 41 weeks with Baby M! It was also his original estimated due date before the initial ultrasound adjusted it to Jan. 29th, so we always had a hunch that he might likely be a February baby instead. Anytime now though, we’re ready and trying to be patient while awaiting his arrival!

How far along: 41 weeks
Size of baby: Watermelon/Pumpkin/Baby lol
Gender: BOY!
Weight Gain:
Maternity Clothes: So I LOVE my maternity jeans and definitely still plan to wear them postpartum while my body is in flux, but I am READY to get back into some of my regular tops. I’ve still worn a lot of my more loose fitting sweaters and didn’t buy a ton of maternity but I’m worn out on wearing the same 7-10 outfits now!
Nursery: It’s going to be a whole lot cuter when there is a tiny man occupying it, right Baby M!?
Movement: He hiccups often and still pushes his little booty out at the top of my belly with his feet pushing out the right side. Even though his space has got to be tight he spends the majority of time on my right side.
Symptoms: Just starting to feel more random pains/discomfort, nothing frequent or consistent though
Cravings: Allowing myself to indulge in just about anything these days because I’m getting impatient waiting on this little man lol!
What I miss: As I am getting a little uncomfortable I miss the last 40 weeks where I felt really good but I am ultimately SO thankful for how smooth this pregnancy has been!
Best moment this week: Being overdue meant we got another ultrasound and this time he decided to show us his face, so that made waiting for his arrival a little bit easier lol
Looking forward to: ANNOUNCING HIS ARRIVAL, so very soon I hope!

OH my Gosh!! I can’t stand it- so excited here-waiting right along with you Rechelle! Keeping you in my prayers XO
Thank you Holly! Grateful to have so many praying for us <3
I’m looking forward to hearing about his arrival!
So excited for baby’s arrival!
All I can say a rumble of a big block Chevy. Will spur him on