I’m sharing a quick update on each of us with 3 things about us right now, see the last time I shared 3 things in October here.
- He is so sad the snow has returned, definitely getting impatient waiting for the warming weather especially after the tease we had of it a couple weeks ago.
- He demands and begs for walks almost every night. He sees the sunshine and just doesn’t understand that it is below freezing outside. I don’t think he understands that the weather out his doggie door and out the front door are the same, because he will refuse to go out his doggie door but still wants a walk.
- He is cuter than ever!
- He destroys toys like it is his job! Our living room is constantly covered with fluff from his toys. Then he chews off tiny pieces to play with, it is hilarious!
- Hal hams it up SO MUCH! And I don’t mind one bit 😉
- He is cuter than ever!

- Ron is getting really excited for the start of F1 (Formula One Racing) and Tigers baseball.
- He spends most of his time working between his job, school, and all things Corvette!
- He plays with Hank & Hal almost every night and its one of my favorite things to watch, my boys make me laugh!

- I’ve been a reading fool! Give me all the books 🙂
- I’ve been planning our garden and can’t wait to get started outside.
- I am currently LuLaRoe obsessed. I’ve done a really good job of holding back on buying and only have 3 items but if you asked Ron he would probably tell you I spend all my time searching for my next buy 😉
That’s us! See you back on Friday with my faves from the week!
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