Oh thank goodness for weekends! I love when a weekend leaves me feeling refreshed and re-energized for the week ahead. I didn’t have much on the agenda so I was ready to just go with the flow and see where the days took us. It all changed pretty quickly but for the better, oh so much better!
Our favorite little sweet treats shops was celebrating its birthday so I made sure we stopped in for our free scoop 🙂
On Friday my husband confirmed that a couple of his friends would be over on Sunday to help with car work. So I was already thinking ahead about planning lunch and adjusting my regular Sunday grocery shopping to Saturday. Then I also had a girlfriend text me on Friday about getting together for wine tasting and dinner on Saturday, um yes please!?
Saturday I meal planned, grocery shopped and cleaned house. Ron was at class so I kept myself busy and stayed productive. Especially since I knew I’d be out for the evening and we’d have guests over the next day, I wanted to be sure I had everything in line 🙂 Since these two were super cute and fairly good I treated them to a walk before I left!
Sunday we had a couple people over and I got to some girl time with a sweet baby girl while the guys worked away in the garage.
Sunday afternoons/evenings are my absolute favorite! I know it is the end of the weekend and Monday is only getting closer but I love to savor those last weekend moments! I also made some brownies and we topped them with this cookie butter from Trader Joe’s. OH! MY! Run now and pick up Joe Joe’s, the cookie butter, and Joe Joe’s n’ Cream ice cream! Seriously, life doesn’t get any better 😉
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